Restless (2011) Movie Quotes

Senin, 12 September 2011

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Quotes from Restless (2011) movie

Enoch Brae: We have so little time to say the things we mean.

Enoch Brae: Do I know you?
Annabel: Does anybody here know you?

Mabel: Did you look at those school brochures I left on your bed.
Enoch: No.

Hiroshi Takahashi: May be you should stop going to stranger's funerals.

Annabel: He is kind of different.
Elizabeth: Different could be good.

Enoch: So sorry for your loss.
Annabel: [Mockingly] So Sorry for your loss.
Enoch: Too formal.

Enoch: [To Hiroshi] That is her.
Enoch: That girl I was telling you about.
Enoch: I am going to go and talk to her.

Annabel: Who is Hiroshi.
Enoch: Sort of a ghost.
Annabel: Can he fly.
Enoch: He use to.
Enoch: He was a kamakazee.

Hiroshi: Why she looks like a boy.
Enoch: He says he thinks you look really nice.
Hiroshi: No, I didn't.
Annabel: Thank you Hiroshi.

Annabel: About the hospital. I don't work there.
Annabel: I am a patient.

Enoch: How long.
Annabel: Three months.
Enoch: First thing you can get a lot done in three months.

Annabel: I am the spirit of this forest. Come with me.

Elizabeth: So do you want to talk about Enoch.

Annabel: It is getting pretty complicated.

Doctor: We did everything we could.
Enoch: I mean what do you do here. Just watch people die. Make her better.

Enoch: [To Hiroshi] You pathetic ghost. You took the easy way out.
[Hiroshi punches Enoch]

Enoch: How is it you win everytime.

Restless (2011) Movie Quotes
Tagline: who do you live for?

The story of a terminally ill teenage girl who falls for a boy who likes to attend funerals and their encounters with the ghost of a Japanese kamikaze pilot from WWII.


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