Final Fantasy Type-0 Release Date?

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

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Final Fantasy Type-0 Release Date? What should be done to guess the mind of the Square Enix executives? Cooperation with Eidos through Deus EX: Human Revolution indeed carry the name of this Japanese company that needs to be returned to the ranks of well-respected in the gaming industry. But admittedly, it all happened because Eidos significant role. So what about the games developed by Square Enix own team? What about the continuation of Final Fantasy Versus XIII? How is an appointment with the release of Type 0?

Final Fantasy Type-0 once known as Final Fantasy Agito XIII is a game that is closest to the realization of the release. Games that scheduled to be released in 2 UMD PSP is indeed set to be released on 13 October in Japan. But it seems the desire to enjoy this game as soon as possible to end with disappointment. Why? Because for the umpteenth time, Square Enix announced the postponement of this game.

However, you do not need to panic. Square Enix's "only" delay the release time of up to two weeks, from October 13 to October 27, 2011. The reason? Classical. Square Enix stated that time is needed to improve the overall quality of games before being released to the market. As usual, without explaining which aspects should be improved and clearly the reason behind it.

Final Fantasy Type-0

Delays like this are brief, but enough to raise many questions and doubts. Does this game have really reached the final stages of completion? Or delay would end up with another delay? Hope for the best, and be prepared for the worst.

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